Economy - Friday (Investor's Business Daily)
Investor's Business Daily - The world's largest economy will grow by less than a percent this year due to falling consumer sentiment, according to the Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers. The U. Mich. confidence gauge hit a 26-year low in April. Consumers tend to believe the economy is in a recession when growth is near zero, said Richard Curtin, director of the survey. But economists are rethinking their recession forecasts in the face of resilient U.S. data.
There are many free methods of advertising on the internet that are not very effective, but writing and distributing articles is a surefire way to get your website noticed and a great way to generate income online
When it comes to writing articles you do not have to be an expert writer, you merely need to put down in print your views or experiences. Think of it like writing an essay at school. For those who feel they really cannot do this, then there is the option of hiring a ghost writer. PLR articles are another option, but remember everyone is looking for new and fresh content so it is advisable to write your own.
If writing does not come easy, it is advisable to persist until it does, because you will be rewarded handsomely for submitting unique content. It is like anything in life, the more you practice it the easier it becomes. Article writing is a great example of how to use the internet to generate an income. To see the effect of writing and distributing original articles you need to be consistent and try and submit one to two articles a week to as many article directories as possible. Build a name for yourself as an expert in your field.
You have the option of submitting manually to the article directories and there are forums that accept articles too, or you can purchase a directory submitter to do the job for you.
The object of writing and submitting articles is to draw attention to your website, so be sure to complete the Authors Resource Box carefully, with your name, copyright clause and of course your website address, so that anyone who reads your article can then go on to view your website. An interesting exercise that you can do here is create a Google Alert with your name, as you use in the Resource Box, and you will be amazed to see where your articles turn up.
By submitting articles you will be building up back-links to your website and this will help with your page ranking as well. Choose your keywords carefully and be sure to place them strategically in your article without spamming. Do not turn your article into an obvious sales letter otherwise you will find some directories will reject your article.
From the Article Directories and Article Forums, ezine owners select articles to publish in their ezines and should your article be selected this will give your website great exposure. By consistently submitting your unique articles you will also gain recognition from the article directories and more and more webmasters will subscribe to the RSS feeds to automatically alert them of your newly published article.
What to write about can be a stumbling block to many. Sit quietly and think about what you have learnt or achieved and how that information could be of value to others, if you simply turned it into an article and distributed it. It is said that by helping others you help yourself and you will be rewarded with increased targeted traffic resulting in an income generating website.
Copyright © Cynthia Minnaar lives in South Africa and works from home online and invites you to visit for web income generating ideas and opportunities, articles and marketing tools. Visit to start your own proven legitimate online business and learn how to use the internet to generate an income.
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There are many free methods of advertising on the internet that are not very effective, but writing and distributing articles is a surefire way to get your website noticed and a great way to generate income online
When it comes to writing articles you do not have to be an expert writer, you merely need to put down in print your views or experiences. Think of it like writing an essay at school. For those who feel they really cannot do this, then there is the option of hiring a ghost writer. PLR articles are another option, but remember everyone is looking for new and fresh content so it is advisable to write your own.
If writing does not come easy, it is advisable to persist until it does, because you will be rewarded handsomely for submitting unique content. It is like anything in life, the more you practice it the easier it becomes. Article writing is a great example of how to use the internet to generate an income. To see the effect of writing and distributing original articles you need to be consistent and try and submit one to two articles a week to as many article directories as possible. Build a name for yourself as an expert in your field.
You have the option of submitting manually to the article directories and there are forums that accept articles too, or you can purchase a directory submitter to do the job for you.
The object of writing and submitting articles is to draw attention to your website, so be sure to complete the Authors Resource Box carefully, with your name, copyright clause and of course your website address, so that anyone who reads your article can then go on to view your website. An interesting exercise that you can do here is create a Google Alert with your name, as you use in the Resource Box, and you will be amazed to see where your articles turn up.
By submitting articles you will be building up back-links to your website and this will help with your page ranking as well. Choose your keywords carefully and be sure to place them strategically in your article without spamming. Do not turn your article into an obvious sales letter otherwise you will find some directories will reject your article.
From the Article Directories and Article Forums, ezine owners select articles to publish in their ezines and should your article be selected this will give your website great exposure. By consistently submitting your unique articles you will also gain recognition from the article directories and more and more webmasters will subscribe to the RSS feeds to automatically alert them of your newly published article.
What to write about can be a stumbling block to many. Sit quietly and think about what you have learnt or achieved and how that information could be of value to others, if you simply turned it into an article and distributed it. It is said that by helping others you help yourself and you will be rewarded with increased targeted traffic resulting in an income generating website.
Copyright © Cynthia Minnaar lives in South Africa and works from home online and invites you to visit for web income generating ideas and opportunities, articles and marketing tools. Visit to start your own proven legitimate online business and learn how to use the internet to generate an income.
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