Monday, May 5, 2008

Buffett sees no bank panic, but expects more losses (Reuters)

Billionaire financier and Berkshire Hathaway Chief Executive Warren Buffett greets shareholders during the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders meeting in Omaha, Nebraska May 3, 2008. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)Reuters - Warren Buffett on Sunday said he does not expect financial markets to panic as write-downs and losses for bad debts mount in the financial services industry, but said those losses were not over "by a long shot."

If you have been building a home based business for any length of time, especially on the internet, you will have received spam on affiliate programs, niche products, network marketing opportunities and other offers. If you are anything like me, you bounce them straight into file 13 or the junk folder.

Also, you will receive incoming calls via the phone, skype or an IM, with more offers. Some are so focused on making a sale, they don't wait to discover if you are looking, before explaining how fantastic their deal is. Often I will agree to take a look at their website, just to get them off my back.

Most people react negatively to these tactics because the people who pitch you are strangers. You may know one or two because maybe you met them through a forum. There is no room for trust. Most of these spammers and cold callers have failed at making money online, so far and they are now pitching you on their latest venture. Can they really expect you to do business with them?

These tactics should tell you that some company has come up with another product or service, but they don't know how to market or promote it. Their solution is to set up an affiliate or network marketing program to attract sufficient members who do know how to market and promote. Also, the person who is pitching you doesn't know how to market and promote, because if they did, they wouldn't be approaching you in this manner. There is an easier, more professional way and it works.

First, stop pitching people. If they do not know you, they cannot trust you and are most unlikely to buy from you. Tell people what you know, what you do and why you do it. Let them decide if they can relate to you and if they agree with you. Explain to them the effective methods you are using to help yourself. If you are using methods that work, you are an expert and you can help them. They will want to try those methods, too. But, start selling those ideas and you will destroy all the trust, immediately.

In summary, find what works for you. Give those ideas freely to others. When they benefit too, they will begin to respect and trust you. As the trust builds, they will approach you for advice and ideas and maybe, just maybe they will buy from you or join your team.

Gordon Milton is a successful internet marketer who specialises in helping other network marketers achieve their financial goals. To learn more about his techniques, visit:

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